For people starting insulin therapy and their healthcare team

It’s time to talk about starting insulin

It’s not uncommon to have questions and concerns about starting any new medication— and it’s no different when it comes to insulin.

In fact, nearly 90% of people* who are initially recommended insulin therapy are reluctant or not wanting to start treatment at all.1

What are some common feelings about starting insulin therapy?

Although your doctor has decided that insulin is an appropriate treatment for you, many people* may still have questions and concerns about starting on therapy. Some of the most commonly cited ones include:1

A want to try all
other options first

Believe diabetes
is getting worse

Scared of
needle pain

Worried about
weight gain

*From a study conducted in people with type 2 diabetes.1

But whether it’s the belief that their diabetes is getting worse, having questions about starting a medication that requires an injection or concerns about potential side effects, one of the best ways to overcome barriers is to talk about them.

Speaking with a Credentialled Diabetes Educator may help

Three ways to ease concerns about starting insulin therapy are:2

Benefits Icon - Understand

Understand the
benefits of insulin

Benefits Icon - Alleviate

Alleviate injection

Benefits Icon - Collaborate

Work collaboratively with
healthcare provider

Credentialled Diabetes Educators (CDEs) are a great resource for support, advice, and encouragement— and an integral part of your healthcare team. They can provide personalised tips and guidance that save you time and improve knowledge on topics such as:

Ready to learn more about your insulin management?
Start by booking an appointment with a CDE from the
Australian Diabetes Educators Association today.

Speak to a CDE. If you choose to do so in person, this may require an out-of-pocket payment. However, Insulin Chat is free of charge.

Introducing Insulin Chat

If you prefer a phone call, or the support of a local Credentialled Diabetes Educator (CDE) is just not possible due to location, Insulin Chat provides a free phone consultation with a CDE from the Australian Diabetes Educators Association.

Insulin Chat is available to anyone starting insulin therapy and the healthcare professionals that support them.


Call the hotline at 1800 921 372

Want a deeper understanding of insulin management?

References: 1. Allen NA, et al. J Clin Transl Endocrinol 2016;7:1–6. 2. Polonsky WH, et al. J Diabetes Complications 2019;33(4):307–14.